How to care for: Money tree (Pachira aquatica)

If you’re looking for a tree-like plant for your indoor space, you don’t need to look any further. The Pachira Aquatica is the perfect indoor tree, not only for its look but also because this particular plant doesn’t require a lot of care. The Money Tree grows quite tall in the wild, but indoors it stays to a lower height. The leaves are wide and shiny, giving the tree an umbrella effect.

Medium light

Water every 2 weeks



How do you take care of a Pachira (Money tree)?


The Pachira likes to be placed in a spot with lots of light. It is best to place the plant in medium bright light. The Pachira prefers a spot next to a window on the west or east. A spot near the south is of course also possible. Make sure that the plant is at least 2 metres away from the window. If a Pachira gets too much sunlight, the leaves will turn yellow.


It is important to let the soil of the Pachira dry before watering again. You can check this with your finger in the soil. It is best to water the Pachira once a week in summer, and once every 2 weeks in winter. Try not to overwater the Pachira as it can’t tolerate waterlogged roots since it’ll cause root rot.

Plant nutrition

To provide an additional boost to your Pachira, you can fertilize it once a month during the growing months. Use food nutrition at only half strength. Don't use plant nutrition during the autumn and winter months. In addition, try not to overfeed your plant, as it tends to boost growth without developing proper crown heads.


A Pachira that is smaller than 120 centimetres is best repotted every year. An older Pachira that has reached 120 centimetres doesn't need to be repotted every year. With a larger Pachira it is best to repot once every 2 to 3 years. However, the Pachira does like to get a new top layer of soil. This gives the plant new nutrients.


The most ideal temperature for a Pachira plant, commonly known as the Money Tree, is between 18 to 24 degrees Celsius. It prefers a warm environment without exposure to extreme cold or hot temperatures.


Occasional pruning a Pachira can be done to remove dead or yellowed leaves and promote a more compact shape. Trim off any unhealthy foliage close to the stem, and always use clean and sharp pruning tools.

Diseases and peculiarities

If the air is too dry, the Pachira can suffer from spider mites. To prevent spider mites, it is best to use the plant sprayer once a week. Spider mites are an infection of mites on plants. You can recognise the infection by infected leaves and a kind of cobwebs. If you have come across spider mites, it is best to place the plant outside. Wind and moisture from outside will quickly keep the spider mite away.

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Frequently asked questions about the Pachira

How does the Pachira get its nickname: Money Tree?

Pachira owes its name to its origin. Pachira originally comes from Asia. In Asia they believe that the leaves of the Pachira attract luck.

Why are the leaves of my Pachira falling out?

Leaf fall can have various reasons. The Pachira can drop its leaves due to draught, air that is too dry in winter or wrong watering.

Why are the leaves of my Pachira turning yellow?

If the Pachira leaves turn yellow, this is often due to too much water. Check if there is no excess water in the bottom of the pot. Also check to see if the plant is suffering from root rot. Drain excess water and give the Pachira less water.

If the plant has only one yellow leaf, this is no reason to panic. Plants regularly shed leaves in order to grow new leaves.

How big can a Pachira get?

In nature, the Pachira can grow up to 18 metres high. As an indoor plant, however, the Pachira will not reach this height. Indoors, the Pachira can reach at least 2 metres.

Can you propagate a Money tree?

Yes, you certainly can. Check out our tips on how to propagate the Money tree.

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